There are also problems where enemies (and your own people, to be fair) can miraculously shoot through solid objects, which rationally would appear to obstruct their line-of-sight to the target. The enemy turn will sometimes cause a lock-up, and you will need to reset the game to continue. The game camera will sometimes behave oddly, darting off into nowhere-land. I've had problems with the grapple hook flinging my guys all the way across the map. The biggest problem with the game is that it is, to be blunt, buggy. My biggest gripe isn't really with any of the core game aspects.

For hardcore XCOM fans, you can play on Impossible Mode with Ironman enabled (Ironman mode does not permit multiple saves and continuously autosaves your game forcibly - no do-overs allowed!). This game is more forgiving - or more accurately, gives the user more control over the difficult of the game.

The old XCOM was absolutely brutal in terms of difficulty.
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In comparison with the old XCOM, I think Firaxis did a great job of keeping the series true to its roots, but cleaned up alot of problems with it, as well as bringing it up to modern technological expectations. There is no revive chamber for the deceased - just a memorial wall. Making stupid decisions that get your best soldiers killed will make victory nearly impossible. In XCOM however, your soldiers gain abilities and better stats as they level up, and it becomes absolutely critical to keep your best people alive and well-equipped. In games like Starcraft or Command and Conquer, you can make all the soldiers you want - if they die, big deal. You really have to pay attention and make smart choices to win. Gameplay-wise, the tactical combat is very thought-provoking. Graphics are pretty good, sounds are decent, and the combat music soundtrack is great. A great game robbed of perfection by some obnoxious bugs.